Judy's Page
This is Judy's area of the Landers sisters web page. We have the Gallery of Judy pictures, a list of Judy's guest appearances, and some magazine articles.

Judy's gallery contains over 60 pictures that I have scanned in from my collection of photos. But we also have the vidcap gallery, including BJ and the Bear episodes. Don't forget to see the gallery home page for other pics of Judy with Audrey.
Here is a list of magazine articles featuring Judy.
- Modern People July 1981
- TV Guide July 18, 1981
- TV & Movie Screen October 1981
- TV Week October 24, 1981
- 16 Magazine November 1981
- Saga December 1981
- Shape December 1981
- Slimmer June 1983
- Your Health June 21, 1983
Guest appearances
Here is a list of some of Judy's TV guest appearances. This does not include "BJ and the Bear," "Madame's Place," or "Vega$" because she was a regular on those shows, not a guest.
Judy was added the the Celebrity Legs Hall of Fame in October 2004
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