They are beautiful, leggy, blonde and a knock-out. They are also sisters and make an eye-catching twosome on the Nine Network’s thriller private eye series Vega$.
The elder sister, Judy Landers, joined the cast of Vega$ when it first aired last year. She played Angie, Dan Tanna’s secretary-cum-girl Friday. Beatrice, played by Phyllis Davis, was then the showgirl who helped out with phones and typing and all-round-Tanna care at night.
But then the format of the show changed. Beatrice became the full-time Tanna live-in helper and Angie took on the role of goodtime girl, goodtime friend, sometime Tanna Number One lady.
The format worked and then suddenly it changed again. Judy fronted at a star-studded Vega$ party with her younger sister Audrey.
Producer Aaron Spelling spotted Audrey, asked if she had ever con-sidered acting, tested her and gave her a regular role. So now lucky Dan Tanna has three lovely ladies looking after him, Bea and the Landers sisters.
It’s hard to tell Judy and Audrey apart — they’ve both got
show-girl figures, heart-shaped faces, wide blue eyes and go-on-for-ever legs. Judy’s the platinum blonde, they tell you, and Audrey’s the honey blonde. The pair are constantly amused by the confusion they cause. “Because
we are so alike people are always mistaking us for each other, sometimes with hilarious consequences,” says Audrey.
The sisters live at Vegas’ famed Desert Inn during filming of the series, sharing the same suite and partying until the small hours in the casinos. “For small-time girls like us, Vegas is unbelievable — all lights, glitter, gloss and famous people,” they say.
However they do point out that looking terrific is hard work. To stand the pace of Vegas, the series and the hours the girls work out daily in the hotel gym and on the hotel lawns.
They dance, exercise, go through keep-fit regimes and keep those lovely figures in trim. The show-girls at the Desert Inn also let the two beauties work out with them. “Killing two birds with one stone,” says Judy. “A way to research our roles and keep fit!”